Walleye Fishing Tips


Walleye are considered by many to be the best tasting fish in the water. While not yet as popular as largemouth bass fishing, walleye has a devoted core of fisherman who pursue the walleye above all other fish. One reason that walleye fishing is so popular is that walleye produces a very tasty meal. While bass used to be commonly eaten, it is largely a catch and release fish now. Walleye is still seen by many fishermen as a meal at the end of the line!


Walleye is easy to clean and produces a meat that is not oily and has little fat, making it a delectable fish meal.


The most important tip to fishing for walleye is to fish where the walleye are. While this may seem obvious, too few fishermen seek out proper walleye habitat when fishing. In the spring look for spawning walleye to be in more shallow water with rocky bottoms. Small tributaries with gravel bottoms are a great place to look for walleye in the spring.


Fish for walleye where the smaller stream comes into the larger river or lake. At other times of the year fish for walleye near structure at dusk when the sharp eyed walleye may be seeking food. Daytime fishing for walleye can be rough outside of the spawn. Fish for walleye deep with a small fish imitating lure. Walleye stay in loose schools so where you catch one you should present the chance of catching more walleye.


When selecting bait or lures for walleyes here are some tips. Brightly colored lures seem to work best in the spring for walleye. Outside of spring use lures that are more natural in appearance to fish for walleyes.


Deep running crankbaits, jigs, and spoons are all great producers of walleye. Fish them deep and fairly slowly. Don't set the hook too quickly. If available a fish finder is great for determining walleye depth when suspended in lakes during the summer months. Casting into deep drop offs around a river or lake is another good tip. when going out for fishing for a outdoor trip you need to use best inflatable kayak for safety,visit this page.


If you know of weed beds near the bottom of a lake this is a great place to bounce lures as walleye will seek shelter from the hot sun under the weeds. Regardless of the targeted species, I like to cast into the rocks and let the lure fall into the water more naturally than straight casting into the water.